Friday, January 18, 2013

Monday, Jan. 14 by Mia

 Today was a good day. To start off the day my History class had our presentations due. I used for my presentation because i like the cool things you can do on it. After that I had Algebra 1 and I love my Algebra class. It is always so fun, but there is actual learning going on. Then I had Science. I really like Science with Mr. Morrow because the way he teaches us makes it easy to learn and remember things. He lets us teach the class and teach him, even though he already knows what is going on. When we come to class he reviews everyday so that the information stick in our head, he has us be more handed on learners and that helps a lot.

     After science I have reading and after lunch I have English. Today in English class we started off with our daily grammar practice. With that we practice writing sentences, correcting the incorrect grammar, and rewriting sentences so they are not a run on sentence. After that we moved onto revising our Lunch Room stories. Some of us had good useful feedback and others didn't. It all worked out though. I moved onto career guidance. In career guidance we looked at the results of our online tests and saw what career possibilities we have and the courses we would have to take in high school and collage to have that job.

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