Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Febr. 4 by Vicky

   As we began to start English for 2nd period we first started out doing DGP Daily Grammer Practice again for in along time. The sentence was (mr gore,Proper Noun, was linking verb past teness proud adjective ambitious adjective and conjection persevering adjective) for Monday today we had to Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle. 
Then we did Peer score NeSA we scored these other peoples drafts or descriptive writing each person in the class got a different persons or different writing and a score sheet to score the writing.

The final thing we did is Blindsight, Extended Metaphor Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Troester started showing the class. How to make or apart of a project they will be assigning or we the class will be start working on together in class and tomorrow we the class will acktually start working on it tomorrow and what people or kids don't get done in class they will have to complete by the time or when on right time and date assigned due.

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