Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Editor of Norfolk Daily News videochats with English class

Kent Warneke, editor of the Norfolk Daily News, was kind enough to Skype into our 2nd period English class today and share information with our class about writing letters to the editor for publishing in the newspaper.  Kent talked us through many tips for getting your point across through your writing including the great ideas on this handout he shared with us.
Students in 2nd period, please leave a comment sharing some of the things you learned from Mr. Warneke's talk with our class.


  1. He said write the way you talk and don't use big words in letters. I thought that was interesting.

  2. Kent said you had to have about 250 words or less and i thought that was interesting becuase sometimes its hard to write a story less than 250 words.

  3. I remember of him talking about when your write you just put your feelings and write what you want.

  4. I remember that he said that people have new topics and new ideas to get out there on paper. Then he also said he had 60 to 90 letters bout the election.

  5. I remember that he said don't criticize people just say your own opinion.

  6. i remember that he said don't be mean spirited you can crtized without being nasty

  7. I remember that he said not to be to opinionated and not to be rude to anyone in your letter. Don't call anyone names or else the letter won't be published.

  8. I remember that Kent Warneke told us that you arent suppose to mix facts with opinions. When you tell facts you have to be able to prove that fact. In opinions you arent suppose to write it as a fact because it is how you feel. Others may feel different.

  9. I remember he said to revise bottom up.

  10. Kent Warneke told us that when you proofread you are suppose to read backwards because it doesn't make sense so it forces you to reread the sentence and check it.
