Friday, October 19, 2012

Oct. 13, 2012 by Emily M.

Dailey Blogger 10-13-12

This weekend the O'Neill Eighth Grade Girls played in the Ewing Junior High Volleyball tournament. We lost our first game, but came back in the end to make it a close game. We ended up scoring 5th in the tournament. Which isn't horrible, but every team has their bad days. 
By the Way this picture is not from the Ewing Tourney. Sadly, I couldn't find a picture from this weekend, but I figured that this picture would work.

I can't wait for our game later tonight against West Boyd. We had a great season and can't wait until next year! Good Job Eagles!


  1. You could've put that it was my Birthday.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
