Monday, October 29, 2012

Wednesday, October 24 - Autumn

Today the 8th graders worked really hard we worked on an essay for veterans and if we had time we worked on our CBL (challenge based learning) which is where you write to change the world.  In science we took a test. In reading we are a reading a story the name i cannot remember. In world geo. we are learning about Mexico. i started band today it was fun. we played little drummer boy and santa songs. In choir our teacher was gone so we had a study hall. at lunch we had chicken fajita. In math class, we are learning about two ratios that are comparing each other and are equal to each other in other words proportions. It was easy for me at least. Next is business trends  we learned about small businesses. And lastly was the most fun part of the day we did a lipdub and had a pep rally. it was really fun today

My math homework

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