Friday, October 5, 2012

Tuesday, Oct. 2 by Sabrina

  At OHS, there are a lot of activities going on throughout the week like volleyball games, football games, and even extra curricular stuff. I have English class with Mrs. Troester 3rd period, and we were assigned a memoir. Our memoir can be about anything, from something wretched, to the best thing that has happened to you in your life. I’m writing about one of my best friends moving away almost 2 years ago. 
        In Mrs. Knabe’s we are learning about the Dairy Industry. We numbered the whole class off by 5’s and whoever had the same topic as you was in your group for the project she assigned us. My topic is about the Holstein cattle industry with Kadra. Also, in Mr. Hesse’s we learned that the Bill of Rights make up the first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution. I would sit and talk to you about all the homework we get in classes but that would take to long. :) 

         Meanwhile the JH girls are getting ready for another victory at OHS. The 8th grade and 7th had a volleyball game last night against West Holt. Both teams on their games, with the boys in our classes cheering us on, on the sidelines, just like we did for them at their football game. It seems like we all like the same cheers that the cheerleaders do at the varsity football, volleyball, and basketball games. Oh, and it was Mrs. Brown birthday! (Coach of the 7th grade team) She brought everyone a cookie before our scrimmage. That concludes a summary of our little, but big school called OHS.

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